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Madeira is a small pebble lost in the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean. There are no fewer than 30 microclimates around the island. As the old-timers like to say, “In Madeira, you can see all 4 seasons in one day!

Right in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean, the gulf stream has a major influence on the climate. We’re also just north of the Tropic of Cancer, which has a major influence on the winds, more specifically the trade winds. Its geographical position, cartography and location mean that the weather remains relatively unpredictable. On the same day, it can rain in Funchal, be sunny in the north, and vice versa.

Add to this the fact that in less than 45 minutes, you can go from sea level 0 to 1,800 meters above sea level, which has a direct influence on temperatures and conditions.

What we know about Madeira’s weather and climate

Source : thetraveller.co.uk

Madeira’s climate is considered subtropical. A subtropical climate could be defined as an average annual temperature between 16 and 24°C, with at least 8 months above 10 degrees. This climate is halfway between continental and tropical. Overall, this means that it’s exceptionally mild for 8 months out of 12! That’s why it’s nicknamed “Eternal spring Island”.


A large part of the south of the island, as well as the extreme east (São Lourenço point), are areas of low rainfall: between 600 and 1000 mm per year. The weather in Funchal and in villages such as Ribeira Brava, Calheta and Ponta do Sol is almost year-round.

Conversely, the mountainous regions in the heart of the island are particularly prone to rainfall: between 2,500 and 3,000 mm per year around the “pico do Ariero” in the central east, and Encumeada in the central west. This explains the importance of the levadas, which carry water to the coast and to crops.

The north of the island as a whole also receives more rainfall, between 1,400 and 2,000 mm per year. The average temperature is slightly lower than in the south, except for Ponta Delgada, which also has its own microclimate. The northern regions of the island are greener, lusher and wilder.

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The sweetest months in Madeira


Highest temperature (yellow) vs lowest temparture (green) for each month


The mildest months in Madeira are May – June – July – August – September and October. The weather can also be very mild until December, depending on the year.

April and June are the best months to enjoy nature in full bloom. You can also enjoy some very mild weather in September, when temperatures are more or less the same as in summer, with fewer tourists and sunsets whose light is just crazy (this is my personal favorite month in Madeira).

The months of July and August in particular are a bit special in that most of the locals are on vacation, so you won’t see many locals on the island. As for temperature, it’s not because it’s summer that it’s going to be extremely hot. Remember, temperatures very rarely exceed 30°!

What can change and be quite disturbing is the humidity in the air. You need to be careful, as this can cause some discomfort for people who are not used to it or who are sensitive (headaches, for example).

How do I choose my outfits for my trip?

The best way is to plan a mix. As with any destination you visit in spring. So it’s a good idea to pack summer-type outfits (shorts, t-shirt, polo shirt, dress, etc.), but also something warm (sweater, hooded sweatshirt, etc.) and windproof or waterproof clothing (at least one).

The best thing to do, especially if you’re planning to climb to higher altitudes, is to leave your place of residence in “spring” mode, but take something warm with you. Again, in Madeira, you can go from altitude 0 to 1,800 metres in less than 40 minutes! The pico Arrieiro can be very clear, but much cooler than the seaside. And depending on where the wind comes from, it can be very cold or rather hot. In short, wherever you go, take your woolly jacket with you. It’ll never get lost, and will save you from shivering during a photo shoot or a drink with friends!

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